Saturday, 10 May 2014

Hi guys!

I think I will start off my new blog "jakoom" by saying hello. You may already know my other blogs that I write for example Dorothy dog.. where I just blog I about sports and everyday life... come to think of it I will probably be doing just the same here.. I guess I just dont like putting all my eggs in one basket and like having multiple blogs to blog on! You might have noticed that I am using blogpot... I know its a bit annoying to have domain but I guess you cant complain when its free.... and the hosting is pretty fast being on google and all.. and I am pretty sure that this blog wont disappear because google goes out of business... regardless as to how much some people want that to happen google being a monopoly and all that. Anyway I hope you will enjoy my blog and Il keep things updated but remember I have quite a few blogs to keep updated so dont blame me if this one gets lost and forgotten :)

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